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Parsing a css file with java

First I want to explain what am I doing and then my problem. I need to scan a css file and obtain all its internal links(images mainly), but I need to get the line number where the links were found.

Right now I am parsing the files using flute library and it works very well also I am using LineNumberReader in order to obtain the line number where a link was found, but this class throws an incorrect line number.

For example: the link ../../image/bg.gif is in the line number 350 but the method getLineNumber in the class LineNumberReader says 490.

So I will appreciate if some of you can drive me by the correct way and give me a possible explanation why the LineNumberReader class does it.

pd: another solution will be very appreciate.

  • sorry the possibles typos, English is not my mother tongue.


  • Hi @eakbas and @Favonius Thanks for your answer.
    I finally got a solution, maybe it is not the best but at least works for me.
    As I mentioned before I used the flute library to implement the DocumentHandler class of the package org.w3c.sac package in order to analyze the css file.
    So I implemented the 'property' method, this method has 3 parameter, the property name, an LexicalUnit object and a boolean indicating that the property has the important statement or not.

    public void property(String property, LexicalUnit lexicalUnit, boolean important)

    As I need the line number where a specific property is found, I made a search and I could see that the class that flute uses to implement the LexicalUnit interface holds the line number(it is LexicalUnitImp), so I used reflexion to make a casting from LexicalUnit interface to one LexicalUnitImp object.

    Class<?> clazz = ClassUtils.getClass("org.w3c.flute.parser.LexicalUnitImpl");
    Object lexicalObject = clazz.cast(lexicalUnit);
    Integer line = (Integer)MethodUtils.invokeMethod(lexicalObject, "getLineNumber", null, null);

    I did it in that way because the class LexicalUnitImpl is 'protected' and I cannot cast it in a traditional way.

    class LexicalUnitImpl implements LexicalUnit

    Note: The class ClassUtils and MethodUtils are part of the commons-beanutils apache library.