NB: I put the C# tag to get more visibility to this question, as an answer in C# in fine to me, I will be able to translate it into VB .NET. The problem I face is with the concept in the .NET Framework.
I am currently writing a graphic designer so that users can add my own set of customized components into a design surface, arrange them as they wish and then save it into a text file.
For most part it is working OK, but I have tried to use a custom Designer in order to hide some properties I don't want to show to the users :
Public Class MyDesigner
Inherits ComponentDesigner
Public Overrides Sub Initialize(component As IComponent)
End Sub
'These are the properties I will hide
' (real list is way longer)
Private _hiddenPropertyList As String() = { _
"AccessibleRole", _
"AccessibleDescription", _
"AccessibleName", _
Protected Overrides Sub PreFilterProperties(properties As IDictionary)
For Each PropName As String In _hiddenPropertyList
If properties.Contains(PropName) Then
'We hide the properties that are in the list
End If
End Sub
End Class
So this is not really complicated. To activate my designer, I must set it as attribute in my component class definition :
Public Class MyLabel
Inherits Label
Public Sub New()
End Sub
End Class
So this is not really complicated either.
The Problem
The problem is, when a new MyLabel
is created on the design surface and I have set the DesignerAttribute
, it is displayed below the surface, as the picture :
And here is the result when I remove the DesignAttribute
Which is what I actually want to display.
My Question
What am I missing here in order to make this work ?
Your label is a Control rather than Component. Thus you should use the System.Windows.Forms.Design.ControlDesigner as a base class that extends the design mode behavior of a Control.