I'm using a JavaScript table goodies-pack from DataTables.net and I've come across a feature that greatly fits to my need, the individual column searching (select inputs), found here.
This feature allows to drill-down on the column data, filtering it down.
I've tried the standard implementation with no luck. I find no specific field on the implementation and have tried removing all other properties.
My code is:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#alertLogTable').DataTable( {
language: {
url: '//cdn.datatables.net/plug-ins/1.10.11/i18n/Portuguese-Brasil.json'
responsive: true,
initComplete: function () {
this.api().columns().every( function () {
var column = this;
var select = $('<select><option value=""></option></select>')
.appendTo( $(column.footer()).empty() )
.on( 'change', function () {
var val = $.fn.dataTable.util.escapeRegex(
.search( val ? '^'+val+'$' : '', true, false )
} );
column.data().unique().sort().each( function ( d, j ) {
select.append( '<option value="'+d+'">'+d+'</option>' )
} );
} );
The demo on the datatables.net page shows buttons beneath each column to filter it. I don't get those and the filtering feature. What am I missing here?
Your code works fine. I am 100% certain that you just have forgotten to include a <tfoot>
section. The footer is not added by magic, if <tfoot>
is not present your <select>
's is inserted to nothing. So remember :