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Serial Port Reading VxWorks String conversion gibberish

I am reading in data from a serial port to a ueipac 600-1G linux box with VxWorks installed. I am supposed to read in string data. However when I send in a string, for testing i used "this is a test" my log file reads "this is a test¤ -p". I altered my code to read the hex values and got " 74 68 69 73 20 69 73 20 61 20 74 65 73 74 0a" which when plugged into a hex converter reads "this is a test".

I have done multiple test with different input strings and the gibberish changes each time. I am wondering how to filter out this gibberish I think it has something to do with how C is converting hex data to string, with the 0a character.

my code is as follows

void readandlog_serial(){

// read error throwing int
int n=0;
int bytes_counter=0;
int bytes=256; /*num of bytes to read at a time*/
int i=0; /* for the for loop*/
int bytes_written=0; 
// hold the file descriptor
int fd=0;
/* dev name from iosDevShow output */ 
char dev_name[] = "/tyCo/0"; 
/* buffer to receive read */ 
char re[bytes]; 
/* length of string to read */ 
int re_len = bytes; 
/* open the device for reading. */ 
fd = open( "/tyCo/0", O_RDWR, 0);
outputfile=fopen ("LOGFILE.txt","a"); /* open output file*/
//check for open error
    fprintf("outputfile","%s","\nerror opening file\n");
//while(n = read( fd, re, re_len)>0)

n = read( fd, re, re_len); /* read */
    fprintf("outputfile","%s","\nerror reading file\n");
close( fd ); /* close */ 
for (i=0; i<n;++i){
    bytes_written=bytes_written+( fprintf(outputfile," %02x", re[i]) );
// pull only string data
//bytes_written=fprintf(outputfile,"%s",re);   *****************************

printf("readandlog executed number of bytes written: %d\n",bytes_written);

the for loop is commented out for the string reading builds, and the fprintf line with the astriks next to it is commented out for the hex data read builds.


  • Hex output is correct, your string + 0A newline.

    You using uninitialised variable re, printing HEX was correct, beacause you print HEX value for n char, but fprintf(outputfile,"%s",re); will print null terminated string (your string + OA + garbage + \0).

    change char re[bytes]; to char re[bytes] = {}; or use function bzero/memset set buffer to 0.