I have a BaseFragment
class which registers/unregisters itself to EventBus
in onStart()/onStop()
, and several child classes that inherit from it (FragmentA
, FragmentB
...). The base class doesn't have any methods annoted with @Subscribe
, and FragmentA
neither, but I want it to register anyway in case I add some in the future.
If I register an object that doesn't have any @Subscribe
annotated method, I except nothing to happen, like when using SquareUp's Otto, but EventBus throws an exception :
org.greenrobot.eventbus.EventBusException: Subscriber class com.company.app.FragmentA and its super classes have no public methods with the @Subscribe annotation
Why throw an exception ? I mean, it doesn't prevent the app to run.
Is the only solution to wrap the register()/unregister()
calls in BaseFragment
into an ugly try ... catch
or is there a cleaner workaround?
If you want your child fragments to be able to have no @Subscribe
method without any exception to be thrown, just put an empty subscriber in the base class :
public void dummyEvent(SomeClassThatWillNeverBePosted event) {}