I am making a rails app using simple form (with bootstrap).
I have this question in my form:
<%= f.input :ethics, as: :radio_buttons, label: 'Is an ethics review relevant?' %>
The ethics attribute is a boolean in my table.
The form renders with radio buttons for yes/no.
The default shows as no - but if that's the answer I want to give I'm stuck because I can't submit the form. I get an error that says an answer is required.
Why doesn't simple form acknowledge false as a boolean answer?
The log shows:
Processing by ProjectsController#create as HTML
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"", "project"=>{"title"=>"asdfsdf ", "byline"=>"", "description"=>"asdfsdf ", "problem"=>"", "solution"=>"", "remark"=>"", "ethics"=>"false",
You probably just forgot to add the ethics
field to the list of permitted attributes in your controller.
params.require(:project).permit(..., :ethics)
You should also have no presence
validation in the model. Because false
is false and will return false for the validation.
validates :ethics, inclusion: { in: [ true, false ] }