How can I connect my C# WPF app to a SQL Server CE 3.5 .sdf
file, placed on a shared location on LAN? I couldn't figure out what value to be used as Data Source
in the connection string. I have a PC on my LAN, with name RT-PC
, and it has a shared folder, named RSDB-prod
. I tried to connect using following string:
<add name="RSEntitiesLan"
connectionString="metadata=res://*/Model.RsModelLan.csdl|res://*/Model.RsModelLan.ssdl|res://*/Model.RsModelLan.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlServerCe.3.5;provider connection string="Data Source=\\RT-PC\RSDB-prod\RsCompact.sdf;Password=123""
providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />
Here, Password=123
is the password of the RsCompact.sdf
I also tried supplying User Id
section, but It also did not work.
I tried to look for the solution and looked at several SO posts, like THIS, THIS, and THIS, but none discussed about LAN
scenario as I require. I have following concerns/questions.
How can I connect to a SQL Server CE 3.5 file, located on shared LAN PC from my WPF app?
How to change connection strings accordingly, when LAN PC has logon username and password set? My .sdf
db file also has password
I have a PC on LAN, that has username, but no password. Would it be possible to connect that PC? If so, how?
Other info:
This is a WPF app, which need to store/retrieve data on/from .sdf
file at server PC on LAN. When that PC is connected to internet, all data is copied to remote SQL Server db.
Above connection string works fine, if I change the DataSource to the same PC as C:\dbfile\xyz.sdf
for instance. Now I need to deploy this system, so need to modify connection string accordingly
What does "not work" mean?
Using SQL Compact for this scenario is not supported, you should use SQL Server Express instead