Hi guys i have a very basic http server coded in about 30 minutes for an assignment and have come across a very weird problem. We were specified to use only BufferedOutputStream instead of a StreamWriter as there is apparently an issue with using PrintWriters as they perform differently on different platforms. I am confused as i have the follwoing println method...
private void println(BufferedOutputStream bos, String s) throws IOException {
String toPrint = s + "\r\n";
byte[] array = toPrint.getBytes();
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
I am confused as when using
println(outStream,"HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
println(outStream,"Hello World");
the webpage says i have not sent any data but using...
writer.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
writer.println("Hello World");
everything appears perfectly.. ive tried a few things such as flushing the outStstream but i dont understand why it wont work
Thanks for the help
Have you flushed and closed your BufferedOutputStream after writing all the data?