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How can I identify users completely read / viewed all lessons for a particular course in Moodle

How can I identify users who completely read / viewed all lessons for a particular course in Moodle?

I created one course and enrolled 3 users in it, created course have 10 topics, each topic contains some information.

I configured mobile app and connect to it.

I got the course information correctly, but I didn't get any information about users completely viewed all lessons/not.

Moodle provides any options for tracking lesson.


  • You have a lot of options here. I will provide a few answers on how I monitor my students.

    First: Enable "Activity Completion" criteria inside your course modules. You can decide if you want a module marked as complete after simply viewing once, spending a set amount of time viewing, reaching the end of the lesson, or achieving a certain grade. You can access these options when editing the settings for a module. Scroll to the bottom to find it.

    Then: Run various reports inside you course. Logged in as an admin, do the following:

    a.) Go to the course you created

    b.) In the "Administration" block on the right, expand "Reports"

    c.) Look through them all - the ones I think you will find interesting are "Course completion" and "Activity completion"

    Beyond that, you can also view the individual progress of each student by looking in the "Navigation" block under "participants".

    If you'd like to go even further, you can create very nice custom reports using this Moodle add on:

    Note: When you configure the "Activity Completion" options of a course, Moodle will not immediately update the status based on what students have already done. This happens as part of the Moodle scheduled tasks that you need to configure to run automatically. I have mine run every hour on a Linux host by doing the following:

    # set up moodle tasks to run automatically
    sudo echo /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/moodle/admin/cli/cron.php  > /etc/cron.hourly/
    sudo chmod +x /etc/cron.hourly/

    The above will create a schedule tasks for all of your housekeeping items, like updating Activity Completion. It will run every hour, but you can run it manually when testing as well.

    I hope this helps, have fun with Moodle!