I'm using fabric.js to create shapes on canvas . on right click on the shapes i want to show a context menu based on the shape selected. I'm able to capture the right click event and find which object the right click is done. but i don know how to show a context menu from a javascript (something like contextmenu.show). below is the code which im using to find the object. Any one please help.
$('.upper-canvas').bind('contextmenu', function (e) {
var objectFound = false;
var clickPoint = new fabric.Point(e.offsetX, e.offsetY);
canvas.forEachObject(function (obj) {
if (!objectFound && obj.containsPoint(clickPoint)) {
objectFound = true;
// here need to set a customized context menu and show it
// but dont now how to do so.
Using jquery-ui-contextmenu you could instantiate a context menu on the canvas and modify the menu entries depending on the target.
(Note that the code is untested, but it should show the idea. Have a look at the API docs for details.)
delegate: ".upper-canvas",
menu: [...], // default menu
beforeOpen: function (event, ui) {
var clickPoint = new fabric.Point(event.offsetX, event.offsetY);
// find the clicked object and re-define the menu or
// optionally return false, to prevent opening the menu:
// return false;
// En/disable single entries:
$(document).contextmenu("enableEntry", ...);
// Show/hide single entries:
$(document).contextmenu("showEntry", ...);
// Redefine the whole menu:
$(document).contextmenu("replaceMenu", ...);
select: function(event, ui) {
// evaluate selected entry...