The issue:
I have used github project of Ofir Dagan: Storing cross domain local storage.
It implements html5 local storage:
The problem:
Safari doesn't allow third party cookies by default (other browsers allow it).
Safari privacy preferences are:
The default is: "Allow from websites I visit".
I read about these settings:
Always Block - Block all first-party cookies and block all third-party cookies.
Allow from Current Website Only - Allow all first-party cookies and block all third-party cookies.
Allow from Websites I Visit - Allow all first-party cookies and block all third-party cookies unless that third party was a first party at one time (based on current cookies and browsing history).
Always Allow - Allow all first-party cookies and allow all third-party cookies.
Solution I have tried:
Local Storage with an iframe (pixel) - I think it's no longer works on Safari - Is there any workaround to set third party cookie in Iframe for safari?
I think that there is a way to share local storage between first party and third party sites on Safari. ( and share data between different domains).
I succeeded to achieve it by removing the API and writing it by myself, But I don't want to remove the API and implement it by myself (hope that there is a small fix in order to support Safari):
window.addEventListener('cors_event', function(event) {
if(event.event_id === 'my_cors_message'){
if ( == "SetItem") {
else if ( == "GetItem") {
return localStorage.getItem(;
<iframe id="target" src="iframe.html" frameborder="1"></iframe>
var target = document .getElementById('target');
target.onload = function(){
target.contentWindow.postMessage('set', '*')
So does someone know how can I achieve it by changing some API logic to support Safari?
Any help appreciated!
You may try Store.JS. As per the docs:
store.js exposes a simple API for cross browser local storage