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How can you return a non-const reference to an element in a std::vector data member from a const member function?

I'm having a hard time figuring out how to return a non-const reference to an element in a std::vector from a const member function. A simple example of what I'm going for is,

template<class T>
class MyClass
 MyClass : myVec(3)

 T& x() const
    return *([0]

 std::vector<T> myVec;

The behavior I'm going for is that I'd like to be able to do things like the following,

MyClass obj<double>;
obj.x() = 3.3;

Eigen gives the same type of behavior, but I've not been able to figure out how to get it to work.


  • You could use const_cast, and it'll do the work here, (according to the usage posted). But you won't need it for this case (and for most cases).

    You could (and should) add non-const member function overloading for it. Then const member function returns reference to const, non-const member function returns reference to non-const. The appropriate one will be invoked via overload resolution.

    const T& x() const
       return myVec[0];
    T& x()
       return myVec[0];