Search code examples

MPart toolbar too small for text ToolControl

I added a search text ToolControl to a MPart toolbar as described here: Eclipse e4 tool Control in trimbars

My problem is: When I have another item (e.g. handled tool item with icon) in the toolbar, I can see most of the text, but not all. When there is no other item, I see just the upper line of the text.

The toolbar height seems not to be adapted to my control,  as in this image

Whould be great if anyone can help me.



  • The basic problem is that although the ToolBar control allows controls as children it doesn't take their depth in to account when calculating the tool bar depth.

    The Vogella example (which is intended for the window trim bar rather than a part tool bar) is using a default GridLayout which adds a margin above the search text. You could try using:

    Composite comp = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
    // GridLayout with no margins
    Text text = new Text(comp, SWT.SEARCH | SWT.ICON_SEARCH | SWT.CANCEL | SWT.BORDER);
    GridDataFactory.fillDefaults().hint(130, SWT.DEFAULT).applyTo(text);

    That is using a GridLayout with no margins.