I want to return the value based on index/match where clause applies.
==> Find barcode number where Price = 10 (this is variable) AND Flavour = Passion.
So far it returns only the barcode of the first row with "10" that it finds i.e. Barcode 1 instead of 2.
Result so far:
Can someone advise? Thanks!
Yes, it's possible using an array formula (Hit Ctrl+Enter instead of Enter). For example:
=INDEX(F:F, MATCH("Passion"&10,G:G&I:I,0))
"Passion" = 1st criteria, 10 = 2nd criteria
(these can be substituted by a cell reference where the criteria are saved)
G:G = 1st criteria range, I:I = 2nd criteria range
On a sidenote, I would suggest the IFERROR() formula instead of IF(ISERROR()) to make it look neat and tidy.