We are using AutoMapper to map from IDataReader to List of Entities.
One Problem that i noticed while unit testing was the following. If we read an bool value from database (bit), AutoMapper does verry fine. But when we us FluentAssertions for UnitTesting there is a problem with the ShouldAllBeEquivalentTo function. It says True expected but True returned on the bool property of the entity.
So i tried to check the bool properties and noticed that expected == returnd
works (returns true
) but expected.Equals(returned)
does not work (returns false
I thought ==
and equals
should be almost the same for bool type?
What could cause this strange behaviour?
Here some code:
using (var connection = new SqlConnection("server=someServer;user id=someUser;password=***;database=someDatabase;MultipleActiveResultSets=True"))
using (var command = connection.CreateCommand())
var itemsBefore = new List<Item> { new Item { CheckDispo = true } };
command.CommandText = "SELECT CheckDispo FROM Items WHERE ItemId = 1814";
var itemsAfter = Mapper.DynamicMap<List<Item>>(command.ExecuteReader());
var a = itemsAfter[0].CheckDispo.Equals(true); // false
var b = itemsAfter[0].CheckDispo == true; // true
public class Item
public bool CheckDispo { get; set; }
Sorry for this late edit, but I have found what has gone wrong. We read the property out of our database and our 'boolean' is represented by -1 not 1.
Automapper uses dynamically generated IL code to read from a datareader and because they do this, automapper is able to write -1 to the bool field. This results in a value of 0xff in out RAM.
If we now look at the il code for the equals method then we understand wy .equal
is not ==
.method public hidebysig newslot virtual final
instance bool Equals(bool obj) cil managed
.custom instance void __DynamicallyInvokableAttribute::.ctor() = ( 01 00 00 00 )
// Code size 6 (0x6)
.maxstack 8
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldind.u1
IL_0002: ldarg.1
IL_0003: ceq
IL_0005: ret
} // end of method Boolean::Equals
This loads an 1 and our value to the stack and compares both. Due to the fact that in our RAM the bool is -1 (0xFF) the comparison will return false.
See also this item on github.com for more information.