We have a label:
//Do something.
and we have a function. We want pass LABEL as a argument to this function (otherwise we can't access labels in a function), and in some condition we want to jump this label. Is it possible?
I'm giving a example (pseudocode) for clarification:
GameMenu: //This part will be executed when program runs
//Go in a loop and continue until user press to [ENTER] key
while(Game.running) //Main loop for game
Game.setKey(GameMenu, [ESCAPE]); //If user press to [ESCAPE] jump into GameMenu
//And some other stuff for game
This sounds like an XY problem. You might want a state machine:
enum class State {
auto state = State::combat;
while (Game.running) {
switch (state) {
case State::combat:
// Detect that Escape has been pressed (open menu).
state = State::menu;
case State::menu:
// Detect that Escape has been pressed (close menu).
state = State::combat;