In general I wanna use the amazon's avs sdk for Alexa to parse audio files and not just microphone recording.
using OSX 10.11.6.
So first I downloaded Alexa Voice Service Sample App
Then I configured and executed the companionService (nodejs) and then the java client and it works.. I say stuff on the microphone and Alexa responds. now I want to add a capability to load sound and play it from the computer instead of just the microphone.
So first I created a function to add a button to the UI.
so I edited samples/javaclient/src/main/java/com/amazon/alexa/avs/
. I duplicated the function that adds the "Start Listening" button and modified it:
private void addBrowseField() {
final RecordingRMSListener rmsListener = this;
browseButton = new JButton(BROWSE_LABEL);
browseButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
if (browseButton.getText().equals(BROWSE_LABEL)) { // if in idle mode
RequestListener requestListener = new RequestListener() {
public void onRequestSuccess() {
public void onRequestError(Throwable e) {
log.error("An error occured creating speech request", e);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(getContentPane(), e.getMessage(), "Error",
controller.startFileLoading("/Users/ufk/Desktop/eli3.raw", requestListener);
// controller.stopRecording(); /// stop the recording so the request can complete
} else {
Then I added the execution of this function in the private AVSApp function:
private AVSApp(DeviceConfig config) throws Exception {
ok now... in my new addBrowseField()
function I'm calling a new function I created in the controller called startFileRecording
so I modified
by copying the startRecording
function to startFileLoading
and modifying it:
public void startFileLoading(String path,RequestListener requestListener) {
try {
InputStream in = (InputStream)new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(new File(path)));
String dialogRequestId = dialogRequestIdAuthority.createNewDialogRequestId();
RequestBody body = RequestFactory.createSpeechRegonizerRecognizeRequest(dialogRequestId,
PROFILE, FORMAT, player.getPlaybackState(), player.getSpeechState(),
alertManager.getState(), player.getVolumeState());
avsClient.sendEvent(body, in, requestListener, AUDIO_TYPE);
} catch (Exception e) {
Now as you can see, I use the file eli3.raw
. I recorded myself saying a command (only audio) and converted it to LPCM with ffmpeg -i eli.m4a -f s16le -ac 1 -acodec pcm_s16le eli3.raw
So I click the newly created Browse
button that actually loads the eli3.raw
audio file, and a few seconds I click the Stop Browse
button and nothing really happens.
I get no java errors, no warning no nothing.
I'm pretty new to the all avs sdk so I'm probably doing something wrong.. just no idea what.
ok.. so the format of the audio file was wrong. using ffmpeg with these flags: ffmpeg -i eli.m4a -acodec pcm_s16le -ac 1 -ar 16000 eli.wav
resolved the issue.