I have an Ant target which runs JUnit tests with <batchset>
While running, the following is displayed:
Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.497 sec
What I want is the total number of tests executed of all the classes combined. Any there an easy way to do this?
The <junit>
task can output test results as XML files. These XML files can be processed with the free, third-party XmlTask library.
First, under <junit>
, add <formatter type="xml" usefile="true"/>
<formatter type="xml" usefile="true"/>
<batchtest ... />
Then <xmltask>
can be used to combine the XML files and calculate the sums of the failures and errors:
<taskdef name="xmltask" classname="com.oopsconsultancy.xmltask.ant.XmlTask" />
<!-- Create a buffer named "testsuiteNode" that holds the -->
<!-- <testsuite> nodes from the JUnit reports. -->
<fileset includes="*.xml"/>
<copy path="/testsuite" append="true" buffer="testsuiteNode"/>
<!-- Create an XML document containing a single element: <root/>. -->
<!-- Then insert the <testsuite> nodes under <root/> -->
<!-- Then calculate the sums of the various errors and failures. -->
<!-- Finally, store the sums in various properties. -->
<insert path="/"><![CDATA[<root/>]]></insert>
<insert path="/root" buffer="testsuiteNode"/>
<copy path="sum(/root/testsuite/@errors)" property="test-errors-count"/>
<copy path="sum(/root/testsuite/@failures)" property="test-failures-count"/>
<copy path="sum(/root/testsuite/@errors | /root/testsuite/@failures)"
<copy path="sum(/root/testsuite/@tests)" property="test-total-count"/>
<echo>test-errors-count: ${test-errors-count}</echo>
<echo>test-failures-count: ${test-failures-count}</echo>
<echo>test-failures-and-errors-count: ${test-failures-and-errors-count}</echo>
<echo>test-total-count: ${test-total-count}</echo>
Sample Output
[echo] test-errors-count: 1
[echo] test-failures-count: 2
[echo] test-failures-and-errors-count: 3
[echo] test-total-count: 5