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Ip Address: Does Lotus Notes Application have the Request and Response objects

Hi all as I am new to lotus notes applications have a doubt regarding request and response objects are present or not.

Let me take one example. I have a task to generate the IP Address of the client machine whoever is using my lotus notes web application. But when i use this below java code using agents it is giving me the Windows server IP Address instead of client IP address who has used my application.

InetAddress thisIp = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
System.out.println("IP ADDRESS:;::"+thisIp.getHostAddress());

But when it comes to java we have request and response objects where we can use proxy and capture the IP from the client machine.

Can anyone tell is it possible to use some other keywords instead of request and response.


  • For a web application, the client's address is a CGI variable called REMOTE_ADDR. No need to get any fancier than that. Just as an aside you have access to Java and all (or at least most) of its might within agents as well, but you don't need that for just the remote Web client's IP address.