This attamept is to create a search condition where eventually the output will be processed to show results based on increasing order of matches
"PHP implode function in if and foreach condition [closed]" is a different question !
Why is the following code failing ?
$terms = array("HELLO", "HI", "HOWDY");
$row = array("HELLO", "HI", "Hey");
$chkcond = "in_array('".implode("',$"."row".")"." && in_array"."('",$terms)."',$"."row)";
echo "$chkcond<br/><br/>";
if ($chkcond) {
echo "All Found in Array !<br>";}else{echo "Not Found !<br/>";
The echo result is
in_array('HELLO',$row) && in_array('HI',$row) && in_array('HOWDY',$row)
And the if condition outputs "All Found in Array !"
When the if
condition says that all three terms have to be in the row array to be "All Found in Array
", then why is it returning True
when "Howdy
" doesn't exist in the row array ?
juste use array_diff
$diff = array_diff($terms, $row);
if (0 === count($diff)){echo "All terms Found in Array row !<br>";}else{echo "Not all terms Found in Array row !<br>";}
$diff = array_diff($terms, $row);
if (0 === count($diff)){echo "All terms Found in Array row !<br>";}else{echo "Not all terms Found in Array row !<br>";}