I have a "txtPhone" input filter that is NOT mandatory, but can accept only Phone Numbers, so:
<label class="control-label">Phone</label>
<input type="text" id="txtPhone" class="form-control intonly" maxlength="12" placeholder="Phone" name="Phone">
Bootstrap Validation
Phone: {
validators: {
regexp: {
regexp: /^((091|\+91)?|\((091|\+91)?\)|(91)?|\(91\)|0)? ?[7-9][0-9]{9}$/,
message: 'The Indian Phone No must contain 10 digits'
But when i clicking submit button tick shown in textbox.
After Long struggling JesusGrace i find the answer
Bootstrap Validation
Phone: {
enabled: false,
validators: {
regexp: {
regexp: /^((091|\+91)?|\((091|\+91)?\)|(91)?|\(91\)|0)? ?[7-9][0-9]{9}$/,
message: 'The Indian Phone No must contain 10 digits'
.on('keyup', '[name="Phone"]', function () {
var isEmpty = $(this).val() == '';
.formValidation('enableFieldValidators', 'Phone', !isEmpty);
// Revalidate the field when user start typing in the Phone field
if ($(this).val().length == 1) {
$('#form1').formValidation('validateField', 'Phone')