I want to be able to nest queries expressed in Esper's EPL. Let's assume I want to detect this pattern: A -> (B -> C)
. (A
, B
and C
are types of events, ->
is EPL's sequence operator.)
Here is the query representing B -> C
select * from pattern [every (b=B -> c=C)]
I would then like to do the following:
select * from pattern [every (a=A -> bc=
(select * from pattern [every (b=B -> c=C)])
Actually, it would be best if something like this would be possible:
select * from pattern [every (b=B -> c=C)]) as bc
select * from pattern [every (a=A -> bc)]
This way, the first query is just bound to an identifier bc
, which can then be used in the second query. That would be awesome!
Could someone please tell me if similar syntax exists in EPL? I appreciate any hint!
The query could simply be...
every (a=A -> (every (b=B -> c=C))]
Or insert "bc" into another stream and use that...
insert into BCStream select * from pattern[every b=B -> c=C]; // also note lack of parens
select * from pattern[a=A -> BCStream]