I want to save this object in to database with wso2 dss. but it is showing there is an error in the date format.
Value type miss match, Expected value type - 'dateTime', but found - 'STRING'
example post messgae is this
"customerrefid": 1,
"merchantrefid": "1",
"datetime": "2012-03-14T00:00:00+05:30",
"latlongregistered": "xczv",
"expirydate": "2012-03-14T00:00:00+05:30",
"qrcode": "xvc",
but when i tried with the xml type it is working fine
Please help me !!!!
This is fixed in the DSS upcoming release (3.5.1). The related JIRA is DS-1190. As a workaround you can switch to org.apache.axis2.json.JSONMessageFormatter and org.apache.axis2.json.JSONOMBuilder as suggested.