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java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class

I recently started my first program with GeoTools in which i was also using JAI- Java Advanced Imaging 1_1_2_01 with JDK 1_7. It worked fine until I added GeoTiff Jars. I found following error

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class at at com.rgb.PixelExtractor.extract( at com.rgb.RGBSpliter.main(

The Code is as below

 public void extract(File f, String name, String date) throws Exception {
 ParameterValue<OverviewPolicy> policy = AbstractGridFormat.OVERVIEW_POLICY

 // this will basically read 4 tiles worth of data at once from the disk...
 ParameterValue<String> gridsize = AbstractGridFormat.SUGGESTED_TILE_SIZE.createValue();
 //gridsize.setValue(512 * 4 + "," + 512);

 // Setting read type: use JAI ImageRead (true) or ImageReaders read methods (false)
 ParameterValue<Boolean> useJaiRead = AbstractGridFormat.USE_JAI_IMAGEREAD.createValue();

 // GeneralParameterValue[] { policy, gridsize, useJaiRead });
 // The line that throws error
 GridCoverage2D image
        = new GeoTiffReader(f).read(new GeneralParameterValue[]{policy, gridsize, useJaiRead});
 Rectangle2D bounds2D = image.getEnvelope2D().getBounds2D();
// calculate zoom level for the image
GridGeometry2D geometry = image.getGridGeometry();

BufferedImage img =;
// ColorModel colorModel = img.getColorModel(      
WritableRaster raster = img.getRaster();

int numBands = raster.getNumBands();

int w = img.getWidth();
int h = img.getHeight();
for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) {//width...

  for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) {

    double[] latlon = geo(geometry, i, j);
    double lat = latlon[0];
    double lon = latlon[1];

    Double s = 0d;

    String originalBands = "";
    for (int k = 0; k < numBands; k++) {
      double d = raster.getSampleDouble(i, j, k);
      originalBands += d + ",";
      s += d;

    originalBands = originalBands.substring(0, originalBands.length() - 1);
    if (s.compareTo(0d) == 0) {
    String geoHash = GeohashUtils.encodeLatLon(lat, lon);
    //here do something with the bands, lat, long, geohash, etc....




  private static double[] geo(GridGeometry2D geometry, int x, int y) throws Exception {

  //int zoomlevel = 1;
  Envelope2D pixelEnvelop = geometry.gridToWorld(new GridEnvelope2D(x, y, 1, 1));

  // pixelEnvelop.getCoordinateReferenceSystem().getName().getCodeSpace();
  return new double[]{pixelEnvelop.getCenterY(), pixelEnvelop.getCenterX()};



JDK Jars

JDK images jar

Other Jars



I also added classpath variable for GeoTools jars



My jai is working without GeoTools Integration, but when I add gt-geotiff-14.4.jar it try to add JAI-core-1.1.3.jar which conflicts with jai-core.jar in my JDK 1.7. So I removed JAI-core-1.1.3.jar and related jars but still it gives me same error.


  • Finally it worked when I removed Geotiff jai-core-1.1.3.jar,jai-codec-1.1.3.jar and jai-imageio-1.1.jar files and added new class for jai-ext's gt-utility class files. I just copied from github and added to src of my was the one which was missing. The jars were conflicting too.