I was able before to use in Visual Studio C# code,
particleSystem.SetParticles(points, points.Length);
but now it gives me an error. Did the syntax change? Do I have to use
GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().SetParticles(points, points.Length);
now? My VS project (using Unity here) does not display my particles anymore but I have not found any other syntax I could/should be using. Is this correct, and do I have some other error? Or is this incorrect? Thanks.
Base on the relevant Unity documentation, this is another property that has been recently (since version 5.4.0) deprecated.
So yes, you will now have to use GetComponent<ParticleSystem>()
instead to get a reference to the particle system - and you'll probably want to cache that reference in a variable in the Awake()
method in the event that you need to frequently make use of it.