I'm running a powershell script, that when run from the ISE outputs one set of values but when the same task is run through task scheduler it seems to add a second value that doesn't display when run manually. The code that's being executed is as below:
import-module WebAdministration
$app_pool_name = <<app_pool_name_goes_here>>
$memused = ""
$cpuused = ""
$datetime = get-date -format s
$memused = Get-WmiObject Win32_process | where CommandLine -Match "$app_pool_name"
$id = dir IIS:\AppPools\$app_pool_name\WorkerProcesses\ | Select-Object -expand processId
$cpuUsed = Get-WmiObject Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_Process | where IDProcess -Match $id
Add-Content -path C:\Winsys\PSOutput\$app_pool_name-CPU-RAM_test.txt -value "$datetime,$($memUsed.workingsetsize),$($cpuUsed.PercentProcessorTime)"
When running the script manually the output returned is:
When running the script through task scheduler the output returned is:
2016-08-02T13:58:25,15065047040 624189440,0
2016-08-02T14:05:01,15061901312 624713728,0
The difference being the Mem, for some reason it's adding an extra value. Does anyone know why this is?
Turns out this was my own error, there are two app pools with very similar names, the -match was catching both. But it still didn't explain why it was only showing both in task scheduler and not ISE. Ah well, resolved now by adding a -and -notmatch "text" section.
Get-WmiObject Win32_process | where {$_.CommandLine -Match "$app_pool_name" -and $_.CommandLine -notmatch "<<text in other command line>>"}
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