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Rendering ViewComponent with ajax don't work in Edge/IE11

I have a simple ViewComponent works correctly in the browser chrome and Firefox but do not work in a browser Edge \ IE 11.

The component shows the time (just for example).

Chrome and firefox time is displayed.

Edge Browser \ IE 11, time is displayed only the first time the page is up and remains so, time is "frozen".


When I open the browser Edge development tools as well as in IE 11, the component starts to work properly and current time is displayed (just like other browsers)

And when I close the F12 development tools, component stops working (time "frozen").

And it repeated - F12 open the component works, F12 Close component stops working.

Am I missing something here ?

Attaching the simple code of the process Thank you


public IActionResult GetTime()
   return ViewComponent("GetTime");
   //// var time = DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm:ss");
  //// return Content($"The current time is {time}");


public class GetTimeViewComponent : ViewComponent

  public IViewComponentResult Invoke()

   var model = new string[]
     "Hello", DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm:ss") , "the", "view", "component."
   return View("Default", model);




@model string[]
     @foreach (var item in Model)
       <li class="text-danger">@item</li>


<div id="myComponentContainer">@await Component.InvokeAsync("GetTime") </div>

**Js / Ajax**

$(function () {

   var refreshComponent = function () {
   $.get("Home/GetTime", function (data) {
   $(function () { window.setInterval(refreshComponent, 1000); });



  • Try to set cache false in ajaxSetup

    $.ajaxSetup({ cache: false });

    Or use

    $.ajax({ cache: false, //other options... });