I am using normalizr for data that I receive from Api. When I am receiving list I get normalized entities as expected.
But when I send request that updates one entity, I am receiving only one entity wrapped in data envelope witch is not processed by normalizr correctly.
// Normalize setting
import { Schema, arrayOf } from 'normalizr'
export const player = new Schema('players')
export const arrayOfPlayers = arrayOf(player)
//This is what I use for normalize
response => normalize(response, {players: schema.player})
And I am receiving data like following with only one player in the list:
code: 200,
message: '',
data: {
players: [{
id: 20
username: 'Gamer'
What I should change to retrieve player as normalized entity?
Example of Api call.
{ credentials: 'include' }
.then(response => response.json())
.then(response => normalize(response, {players: schema.player}))
.then( // dispatch redux action )
.catch(function (error) {
if you receive array you should use arrayOf ,otherwise refer to object through res.data.players[0]
change this
normalize(response, {players: schema.player} )
normalize(response.data, {players: arrayOf(schema.player) })
result will be
entities: {
players: {
20: {
id: 20,
username: "Gamer"
result: {
players: [
normalize(res.data.players[0], player)
result will be
entities: {
players: {
20: {
id: 20,
username: "Gamer"
result: 20