I'm trying to bind AngularJS with JavaScript Plugin - OpenSeaDragon, because I have to do annotations on OpenSeaDragon's image and I tried something like this
angular.element(document.body).scope().$on('addAnnotation', function(e, data){
self._viewer.viewport.fitBounds(new OpenSeadragon.Rect(data))
And inside the controller:
$scope.addAnnotation= function (data) {
$scope.$root.$emit('addAnnotation', data);
And in my view:
but I am getting error
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '$on' of undefined
You are trying to get angular.element(document.body).scope()
which is undefined
In order to get the scope
of an element, this element should have a scope.
Try using it on a DOM element that binds to a controller.