I'm making a RPG game with enchant.js,and then I created a map like this: sample map
The players can not pass through the water,but when players take a boat,they can pass through.My question is that should I have to rewrite the collistionData each time when players walking/boating?Is there a easy way to do that if the map is large?Thanks for help.
Not familiar with enchant.js, but typically how this is handled is using collision masks. So depending on what physics engine you're using, there should be a way to set collision mask values (use integers) on the physics bodies. With box2d for example you have two values:
The category is the number value that this object is or the type. So if you have a bunch of variables:
const PLAYER = 1;
const WATER = 2;
const BOAT = 4;
You would set the category bits to one of them. The mask bits is then the value of what masks it can collide with.
const PlayerEntity = {
category: PLAYER,
const WaterEntity = {
category: WATER,
mask: PLAYER
What physics engines do internally with this is an & operation to see if the category and mask values equate to something else than 0. If it does, then there's a collision.