In the context of writing a Messenger chat bot in a cloud environment, I'm facing some concurrency issues.
Specifically, I would like to ensure that incoming messages from the same conversation are processed one after the other.
As a constraint, I'm processing the messages with workers in a Cloud environment (i.e the worker pool is of variable size and worker instances are potentially short-lived and may crash). Also, low latency is important.
So abstracting a little, my requirements are:
My questions are:
I don't know of a widely-accepted name for the scenario, but a common strategy to solve that type of problem is to route your messages so that all messages with the same topic key end up at the same destination. A couple of technologies that will do this for you:
Some message broker vendors refer to this requirement as Message Grouping, Sticky Sessions, or Sticky Message Load Balancing.
Another common strategy on messaging systems with weaker delivery/ordering guarantees (like Amazon SQS) is to simply include a sequence number in the message and leave it up to the destination to resequence and request redelivery of missing messages as needed.