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extract bz2 file and open ncdf using R

I'm trying to open a bz2 compressed netcdf file from ftp, but can't get it to work. Any help is much appreciated.

I've tried opening it directly using:

url <- ''

but that doesn't work (I get: Error in R_nc4_open: No such file or directory). I guess because of the compression, so I tried downloading the file first and decompress it.

temp <- tempfile()
nc_open(bzfile(temp, '', 'rb'))

but that doesn't work either and I get both an error and a warning:

Error in bzfile(temp, "",  : 
  cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning message:
In bzfile(temp, "",  :
  cannot open bzip2-ed file '/var/folders/hs/k9t_8wxs2hn48qq4vp_7xmgm0000gn/T//Rtmpv9UIBr/filef5659606aee', probable reason 'Invalid argument'

any ideas?



  • This seems to work the way you want it to:

    URL <- ""
    bzfil <- basename(URL)
    if (!file.exists(bzfil)) download.file(URL, bzfil)
    fil <- bunzip2(bzfil, overwrite=TRUE, remove=FALSE)
    nc <- nc_open(fil)
    ##             Length Class  Mode     
    ## filename    1      -none- character
    ## writable    1      -none- logical  
    ## id          1      -none- numeric  
    ## safemode    1      -none- logical  
    ## format      1      -none- character
    ## is_GMT      1      -none- logical  
    ## groups      1      -none- list     
    ## fqgn2Rindex 1      -none- list     
    ## ndims       1      -none- numeric  
    ## natts       1      -none- numeric  
    ## dim         3      -none- list     
    ## unlimdimid  1      -none- numeric  
    ## nvars       1      -none- numeric  
    ## var         4      -none- list