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AngularJS Use child directives as directive data

To make it short...i need to read child directive as data in the parent directive i got something like:

<ng-table url="" editUrl="" etc>
 <header name="id" paramName="user_id"><header/>
 <header name="name" etc></header>
 <header name="age" etc></header>

So i got something like (WARNING, COFFEESCRIPT :P):

table.directive 'ngTable', (Table) ->
  restrict    : "E"
  templateUrl : "table.html"
  link : (scope, element, attrs) ->
    scope.grid = new Table(attrs) //this is a class
    //other stuff

So how do i create the other directive and get in this link function something like a array of headers??


  • You can actually deep dive into directive controllers and "transclusions".

    To access parent controller you can use require option.

    .directive 'parent', ->
      controller: ->
        @addHeader = (header) => #do add header
    .directive 'child', ->
      require: '^parent'
      link: (scope, el, attr, parent) ->
        parent.addHeader 'from child'

    But you need to make sure your child link function actually ran.

    For example (WARNING JAVASCRIPT!!! :) you can use transclude option. Sophisticated Example.

      .directive('myTable', function() {
        return {
          restrict: 'E',
          controller: function() {
            var headers = []
            this.headers = headers
            this.addHeader = headers.push.bind(headers)
          template: `
          transclude: {
            // transclude all myHeaders into headers slot
            headers: 'myHeader' // transclude (how this is a real word at all?)
          link: function(scope, el, attrs, ctrl, transclude) {
            var headerRow = el.find('thead').children('tr')
            // append all headers into thead wrapping with th
            transclude(function(headers) {
              [], header => {
                var cell = angular.element('<th></th>')
            }, headerRow, 'headers')
            console.log(ctrl.headers) // headers were populated here
      .directive('myHeader', function() {
        return {
          restrict: 'E',
          require: '^myTable',
          transclude: true, // ohh more transclusions
          template: '<span ng-transclude></span>', 
          link: function(scope, el, attrs, myTable) {
            myTable.addHeader( // report to myTable
      <my-header name="First"> First Header </my-header>
      <my-header name="Second"> Second <span style="color:red;">Header</span> </my-header>