I'm attempting to use the UIManager in java to make all my pop up GUIs and error GUIs use the same colors. The issue is I can't seem to change the button color when using the windows style, as well I can't manage to change the GUIs title bar.
Code: Its rather simple, I'm calling UIManager.getLookAndFeelDefaults().put("Button.background", buttonColor) anda few other UI changes. Nothing major...
If you are using JOptionPane
You an change the title using this format to use your own title.
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "This is the message", "This is the title", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
To set back ground color of dialog-
UIManager UI=new UIManager();
UI.put("OptionPane.background", Color.white);
UI.put("Panel.background", Color.white);
For changing buttons in dialog or everything else, create your own JDialog and set the button characteristics which you want.