How can I access yaws file without including it's extension? Say, =>
I could not find any specific documentation for this from yaws
I think the question is ultimately clarified!
You can find one example of how to accomplish this in the "Arg Rewrite" section (7.1.2) of the Yaws PDF documentation. Set the variable arg_rewrite_mod
in your server configuration to the name of an Erlang module supporting rewriting:
arg_rewrite_mod = my_rewriter
To support rewriting, the my_rewriter
module must define and export an arg_rewrite/1
function, taking an #arg{}
record as its argument:
rewrite_pages() ->
arg_rewrite(Arg) ->
Req = Arg#arg.req,
{abs_path, Path} = Req#http_request.path,
case lists:member(Path, rewrite_pages()) of
true ->
Arg#arg{req = Req#http_request{path = {abs_path, Path++".yaws"}}};
false ->
The code includes yaws_api.hrl
to pick up the #arg{}
record definition.
The rewrite_pages/0
function returns a list of pages that must be rewritten to include ".yaws"
suffixes; in this example, it's just the /listen
page you mention in your question. If in arg_rewrite/1
we find the requested page in that list, we append ".yaws"
to the page name and include it in a new #arg{}
we return to Yaws, which then continues dispatching the request based on the new #arg{}