I have a Set of data like this:
Set<CustomObject> testSet = [{id: a1, qty: 3},
{id: a2, qty: 9},
{id: a3, qty: 5},
{id: a4, qty: 8},
{id: a5, qty: 12},
{id: a200, qty: 7}];
The ids are grouped into 3 groups which can be found using the method:
//The getGroup method is implemented in the class CustomObject.
//I am using hazelcast map to store few id's that are inclusive, and
//one of the id that is in the request of the api is the current id.
public String getGroup(String id){
HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
return "currentId";
}else if(id.equals(hazelcastInstance.getMap("idMap").get(id))){
return "inclusive";
} else {
return "exclusive";
The testSet above is with huge data, and I want to perform sum of quantities of each object in the Set based on the grouping method above using Java.
I tried using streams but that doesn't allow me to use the getGroup method in the groupingBy method of Java 8 Streams.
Please guide me on how to efficiently sum the qty values based on groups with parallel processing.
Here is the code will give the inclusive and exclusive qty's sum as grouped.
Map < Object, Integer > resultMap =
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(item - > {
if (item.getId().equals(hazelcastInstance.getMap("idMap").get(id))
return "inclusive";
return "exclusive";
Additionally when using parallelStream()
, you may consider using ArrayList
instead of HashSet
for a better performance, please don't forget to measure it.