I try to write a function to produce mean and sd
fun = function(x){
mean = mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
sd = sd(x, na.rm = TRUE)
c(mean, sd)
summaryBy(mpg~am, data = mtcars, FUN=fun)
It works call summaryBy, but when I try to put in function to call names of variable and dataset, it gives me error
"Error in list(mpg, am, mtcars) : (list) object cannot be coerced to type 'double"
list <- function(x,y,dataset){
x <- as.numeric(x)
y <- as.factor(y)
table <- summaryBy(x~y, data = dataset, FUN=fun)
list(mpg, am, mtcars)
Thanks for your advices
This has nothing to do with summaryBy
, it's a mistake in the code for your list
function. (Incidentally, you shouldn't name a function "list"
, because that is already the name of an important function in R and you're going to end up with problems.) Try this (you need to input the variable names in quotes):
my.tab <- function(x, y, dataset){
xn <- with(dataset, as.numeric(get(x)))
yf <- with(dataset, as.factor(get(y)))
newdf <- data.frame(xn=xn, yf=yf)
names(newdf) <- c(x, y)
table <- summaryBy(as.formula(paste0(x,"~",y)), data=newdf, FUN=fun)
my.tab("mpg", "am", mtcars)
# am mpg.FUN1 mpg.FUN2
# 1 0 17.14737 3.833966
# 2 1 24.39231 6.166504