I'm using VisualStudio2013. Its important to note for readers that the code which this asmx is derived from works perfectly but I do not know how to use the asmx WebService. I downloaded the whole nine yards from here https://sourceforge.net/projects/shorturl-dotnet/
I cannot figure out how to get/set properties of the following CreateUrl() WebMethod. I want to learn how to use the entire WebService but started here.
In the example that follows I send a URL to the CreateURL() method which will shorten the URL and perform other tasks; I do not know how to get properties from the returned ShortUrl.Container Class: I have not been successful accessing the data after the class(es) are returned to my calling method.
// WebMethod
public class API : System.Web.Services.WebService {
public ShortUrl.Container CreateUrl(string real_url)
ShortUrl.Container oShortUrl = new ShortUrl.Container();
oShortUrl.RealUrl = real_url;
oShortUrl.ShortenedUrl = ShortUrl.Utils.UniqueShortUrl();
oShortUrl.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
oShortUrl.CreatedBy = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress;
oShortUrl.ShortenedUrl = ShortUrl.Utils.PublicShortUrl(oShortUrl.ShortenedUrl);
return oShortUrl;
// ShortUrl.Container class returned as oShortUrl
namespace ShortUrl
/// <summary>
/// Container for the ShortURL object
/// </summary>
public class Container
private string _real_url;
private string _short_url;
private DateTime _create_date;
private string _created_by;
public Container()
this.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
this.CreatedBy = "tap";
this.RealUrl = null;
this.ShortenedUrl = "Unknown";
public string RealUrl
get { return _real_url; }
set { _real_url = value; }
public string ShortenedUrl
get { return _short_url; }
set { _short_url = value; }
public DateTime CreateDate
get { return _create_date; }
set { _create_date = value; }
public string CreatedBy
get { return _created_by; }
set { _created_by = value; }
In VS2013 I add the Service Reference to point to http://tap.tools.api.asmx as the service endpoint and name the VS2013 reference as ShortenUrl. VS2013 generates the APISoapClient and Container classes.
// get/set properties of the ShortUrl.Container class
// by means of APISoapClient
ShortenUrl.APISoapClient u = new ShortenUrl.APISoapClient();
// get/set properties of the ShortUrl.Container class
// by means of Container class
ShortenUrl.Container c = new ShortenUrl.Container();
string url = c.RealUrl;
I'm not getting anywhere with either and I think my problem is the instance of the oShortUrl object instantiated within the public ShortUrl.Container CreateUrl(string real_url) method. I do not know how to get any of the properties from that instance of oShortUrl the Container class returns to my methods.
// oShortUrl
ShortUrl.Container oShortUrl = new ShortUrl.Container();
Odd as it may sound as old and outdated the use of asmx happens to be I never worked with -any- WebServices yet which explains why I am weak and throw myself to the mercy of the court.
// EDIT: 2016-07-19 ~2:41pm
VS2013 generated several classes from the WSDL two of which appear to be useful as seen in Intellisense...
// class APISoapClient and class Container
When I use a local variable with APISoapClient a shortened URL is generated as I can see using SQL Management Studio and note all of the data is properly generated but I am not able to get/set on any other WebMethods or properties with to get/set data...
// Exposes two WebMethods: CreateUrl and GetUrl
ShortenUrl.APISoapClient u = new ShortenUrl.APISoapClient();
// Does generate the shortened URL
// Should return the URL that was shortened but doesn't
// Exposes the properties in Intellisense but does not return data
ShortenUrl.Container c = new ShortenUrl.Container();
// returns 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
lblCreateDate.Text = "CreateDate: " + c.CreateDate.ToString();
// returns nothing
lblCreatedBy.Text = "CreatedBy: " + c.CreatedBy;
// returns nothing
lblRealUrl.Text = "RealUrl: " + c.RealUrl;
// returns ShortenUrl.Container
lblShortenedUrl.Text = "ShortenedUrl: " + u.GetUrl("i2Z5H");
If i understood what you're trying to get is the Container returned from the Web Method. If so then just create a variable type of Container and assign the method call to it. Like ShortUrl.Container c = u.CreateUrl(...)
then from c
you can get the values you're looking for.