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How to recombine html5 Animate-CC Publishes (because the file was too big before)?

I have an html5 canvas project that's made to function as a multi-page eLearning interaction. Each "page" is designed to be a movieclip set on a main timeline, and buttons (page indicators) just use gotoAndPlay(); to get to the right page.

I ran into an issue after making it 5 pages long where Animate CC would say it was "Out of Memory" and couldn't export anything because the file was too big.

It seems like this question is on the right track, but I was trying to see if there'd be a way to divide each page into a separate .FLA file, and then combine them after?

I'd provide a link, but I can't publish it...

There's an intro page, then 3 scenarios the user has to go through. These should auto advance, but should be accessible from the other pages.

To further complicate it, the last page (conclusion/review) is supposed to link back to each of the three scenarios, shown here: conclusion page screenshot

At this point, I'm not even sure if it's possible to get it to work how I want. It would have been nice if Animate CC could've just published it out, and I wouldn't have a problem.


  • As long as there are no duplicate names, you should be able to just load all the libs at once. The export format is built so it is additive -- so it will use existing lib, images, and ss references to combine all the lib elements into one global library.

    You should be able to confirm this, and then combine/minify all the files together if it works.