I expect the following code to return the (0,0) value. Yet I get a java object
(let [axs (make-array Long 5 5 0)]
(aget axs 0 0))
Also I got a type mismatch when trying to mutate index (0,0)
(let [axs (make-array Long 5 5 0)]
(aset axs 0 0 1))
I expect to have initialized a Long[5][5] java array to zero. What am I missing here?
Third argument to make-array
doesn't initialize your array with zeros, but adds third array dimension, which size is equal to zero. As a result, the size of your array is zero as well. To fix the issue, create your array as follows:
(make-array Long/TYPE 5 5)
This will create array of primitive longs and will initialize it with zeros.