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C# XPath not selects some child nodes

I'm trying to use the XPath expression: .//*[@class='newsContent newsClosed']/b, but it is not working, always returns 0 elements.

I then tried to change the expression on .//*[@class='newsContent newsClosed'], and it's work.

Why first expression does not work?

I'm using XmlDocument.SelectSingleNode for retrieve elements.

Part of XHTML:

<div class="newsContent newsClosed">
    <b>some text that I need to take</b>
    <br />
        <br />

In FirePath both expressions are working properly.


  • Assuming this is XHTML, then you need to specify the namespace of your element:

    var resolver = new XmlNamespaceManager(new NameTable());
    resolver.AddNamespace("html", "");
    var result = doc.SelectSingleNode(
        ".//*[@class='newsContent newsClosed']/html:b", resolver);

    My personal preference would be to ditch XPath altogether and use LINQ to XML:

    XNamespace html = "";
    var result = (string) doc.Descendants()
        .Where(element => (string) element.Attribute("class") == "newsContent newsClosed")
        .Elements(html + "b")

    See this fiddle for a demo.