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Advanced SQL query in symfony2 doctrine

I am working on a project using Symfony2.8 and MySQL. I have 4 tables in my database that are users, quotes, articles, articlesquotes.

user table

    <table border="1">

quotes table

    <table border="1">


    <table border="1">

articles table

    <table border="1">

now the relation between these tables is


I would like to get articles that are in all quotes of user number 7 ordered by quote_id

I would like to get articles that are in quote number 63 of the user number 7

thank you for helping me.


  • try this:

    Select a.* From articles a 
    Inner Join
        articlesquote aq On a.article_id=aq.article_id 
    Inner Join
        quotes q On q.quote_id=aq.quote_id 
    Inner Join
        user u On u.user_id=q.user_id
        u.user_id=7 and q.quote_id=63