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Where to subscribe to domain events

Within my application service, I have the following code for publishing domain events:

var document = await dbContext.Documents.GetAggregateAsync(message.DocumentId);

        async a => await messageGateway.DocumentOwnerChanged(1, 1, 1));


await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

await publisher.Publish(document.ReleaseEvents());

I'm trying to decide if I like having this knowledge of publishing events within the app service or if I should externalize this somewhere up higher in the root.



  • You would typically register handlers in the Composition Root, unless you had to dynamically register and un-register handlers based on other messages.

    There is some discussion around this here

    You would publish domain events typically in your domain layer:

    public void SomeDomainBehaviour()
        // do something domain-y
        DomainEvents.Publish(new DomainEvent());

    Jimmy Bogard discusses other ways of publishing Domain Events here