Search code examples

Elasticsearch Java API MoreLikeThis not returning documents compared to "_search" rest endpoint

Intention: Elasticsearch Java MoreLikeThis query in Java to do exactly what the below raw more_like_this filtered query via the /_search rest endpoint is doing.

GET /index/type/_search
  "query": {
    "filtered": {
      "query": {
        "more_like_this": {
          "fields": [
          "min_term_freq": 2,
          "max_query_terms": 25,
          "ids": [
      "filter": {
        "range": {
          "datePublished": {
            "gte": "2016-01-01T12:30:00+01:00"
  "fields": [

And this is my Java implementation for the above:

FilteredQueryBuilder queryBuilder = new FilteredQueryBuilder(QueryBuilders.matchAllQuery(),FilterBuilders.rangeFilter("datePublished").gte(("2016-01-01T12:30:00+01:00")));
SearchSourceBuilder query = SearchSourceBuilder.searchSource().query(queryBuilder);
return client.prepareMoreLikeThis("index", "type", "http://xxx/doc/doc")
    .setField("title", "description", "body", "organisations","locations")

However, the results far differ from the more_like_this rest endpoint was returning. I am getting matches of about 4/5th of my whole documents in the index. As if none of the filters are being applied

Targeting ES v1.4.2 and v1.6.2

Any advice please.Thanks


  • I got the desire results with QueryBuilders.moreLikeThisQuery(). Inspirations from this post here.

     FilterBuilder filterBuilder = FilterBuilders.rangeFilter("datePublished")
        MoreLikeThisQueryBuilder mltQueryBuilder = QueryBuilders.moreLikeThisQuery("title", "description", "body", "organisations","locations")
        SearchRequestBuilder searchRequestBuilder = client.prepareSearch("index");


    • QueryBuilders seems to be the way forward in terms of compatibility with ES v2.0 and beyound
    • @MoreLikeThisRequestBuilder will be deprecated in ES v1.6 + and removed in 2.0