I am using angular-selectize to use Selectize.js in my angular project.
To use custom items in Selectize.js selector, I am using Selectize.js' render option:
render: {
item: function(item, escape) {
var avatar = '<div>' +
'<span avatars="\'' + escape(item._id) +'\'" class="avatars">' +
'</span>' +
escape(item.nick) +
var compiledAvatar = $compile(avatar)($rootScope);
return compiledAvatar.html();
where avatars is a custom directive with asychronous behaviour
The problem is that the render.item
function expects an HTML string as an output but:
ed" HTML string in a synchronous way as expected by render.item
method.Note that although $compile is called, returned string would not be the expected compiled result but the string before compilation due to the asynchronous nature of $compile.
This answer is based in the helpful answer by @gregori with the following differences:
First, we define a method to modify the selectize.js render cache:
scope.selectorCacheUpdate = function(key, value, type){
var cached = selectize.renderCache[type][key];
// update cached element
var newValue = angular.element(cached).html(value);
selectize.renderCache[type][key] = newValue[0].outerHTML;
return newValue.html();
Then, the render function is defined as follows:
function renderAvatar(item, escape, type){
// Random id used to identify the element
var randomId = Math.floor(Math.random() * 0x10000000).toString(16);
var avatar =
'<div id="' + randomId + '">' +
'<span customAvatarTemplate ...></span>' +
var compiled = $compile(avatar)($rootScope);
// watcher to see when the element has been compiled
var destroyWatch = $rootScope.$watch(
function (){
return compiled[0].outerHTML;
function (newValue, oldValue){
if(newValue !== oldValue){
var elem = angular.element(document.getElementById(randomId));
var rendered = elem.scope().selectorCacheUpdate(item._id, compiled.html(), type);
// Update DOM element
return avatar;
Note: The key for the render cache is the valueField
of the selectize items, in this case, _id
Finally, we add this function as a selectize render function in the selectize configuration object:
config = {
render: {
item: function(i,e){
return renderAvatar(i, e, 'item');
option: function(i,e){
return renderAvatar(i, e, 'option');
For more details, see how this solution has been added to the application that motivated this question: https://github.com/P2Pvalue/teem/commit/968a437e58c5f1e70e80cc6aa77f5aefd76ba8e3.