I'm currently using this:
to access the AppData folder of the user logged in. The result is a path like this:
"C:\\Documents and Settings\\Michael\\Application Data"
But: To run the program on another user, I start a new Process like this:
try {
var processInfo = new ProcessStartInfo() {
FileName = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location,
UserName = txtWinLoginUsername.Text,
Password = txtWinLoginPassword.SecurePassword,
Domain = this.domain,
UseShellExecute = false, //kein Plan
//start program
Process.Start(processInfo); //execute
Application.Current.MainWindow.Close(); //close current Window if it worked
} catch {
//Windows login failed //reset PasswordBox etc.
and kill the current one.
So what I want is the new AppData folder but the AppData call results in the default one:
"C:\\Documents and Settings\\Default\\Application Data"
What I need is the ApplicationData of the user of the thread my program is working in. AND I don't like to use something like Substring (Only if I have to :)
You need to set LoadUserProfile = true
in your ProcessStartInfo
otherwise the users profile is not available:
var processInfo = new ProcessStartInfo
FileName = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location,
UserName = txtWinLoginUsername.Text,
Password = txtWinLoginPassword.SecurePassword,
Domain = this.domain,
UseShellExecute = false, //kein Plan
LoadUserProfile = true
//Add this line