I have a Csv file like this sample:
0 -8,396 13,414 -35,891 39,22489124
1 -8,789 12,768 -35,891 39,09516883
2 -9,136 12,768 -35,891 39,17463722
3 -9,614 12,768 -35,891 39,2888623
4 -9,614 12,397 -36,282 39,52844709
5 -9,614 12,397 -36,282 39,52844709
I need to convert it to a JSON file in that form:
{"0": [-12.770680147058824, 1.846047794117647, -54.265625, 55.77863587895704],
"1": [-18.388229927007298, 6.5360401459854014, -52.65647810218978, 56.156491225545878],
"2": [-20.042738970588236, 12.849264705882353, -46.678308823529413, 52.399231898471129],
"3": [-38.242244525547449, 15.836222627737227, -40.48357664233577, 57.897972254845804],
"4": [-33.016879562043798, 6.3001824817518246, -38.179288321167881, 50.867127813832226]}
Do you have any idéa how can I do that?
try to use this tool (play a little with parameters) or this javascript code:
csv.split(/\n/).map(l=>{[n,...a]=l.split(/ +/),out[n]=a.map(x=>+x.replace(',','.'))})
let out={}, csv= `0 -8,396 13,414 -35,891 39,22489124
1 -8,789 12,768 -35,891 39,09516883
2 -9,136 12,768 -35,891 39,17463722
3 -9,614 12,768 -35,891 39,2888623
4 -9,614 12,397 -36,282 39,52844709
5 -9,614 12,397 -36,282 39,52844709`;
csv.split(/\n/).map(l=> {[n,...a]=l.split(/ +/),out[n]=a.map(x=>+x.replace(',','.'))});
To download this as file use this