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Unable to setup IBM Worklight on my mac

I am using mac with OS 10.11.4, eclipse mars jee 64 bit & ADT

I'm trying to run the IBM mobilefirst plugin in eclipse mars, but it is not showing me in Create new project as image shown below.I have added all necessary plug ins successfully.

enter image description here

After installation of all plug in it is showing success as image shown below.

enter image description here

I'm loading the IBM mobilefirst from eclipse marketplace.

As I am new to hybrid application development please guide me to setup eclipse, IBM mobile first or worklight and ADT bundle plug in step-by-step.

Thanks in advance.


  • I think you first need to read about the product before simply installing it...

    In MobileFirst Foundation 8.0 things are different.
    You create a standard Cordova application using the Cordova CLI and you add to it to MobileFirst SDK also using the Cordova CLI, because the SDK is made up of a set of Cordova plug-ins.

    The Studio plug-in is now a tool that exposes MobileFirst CLI functionality in the UI, such as: loading the console, registering applications, previewing applications...

    Read more about MobileFirst Foundation 8.0 here:

    And about the Studio plug-in here:

    Also learn how to migrate your existing apps: