I've created a little polymer element to mimic a 7segment display, the element need to load the font fontlibrary.org/face/segment7.
Where and how is the correct way to load it for the element ?
At first, I put:
<link rel="import" href="../polymer/polymer.html">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="https://fontlibrary.org/face/segment7"/>
in the element. This was not working in firefox (but it was in chrome) so I searched more and found www.polymer-project.org/1.0/docs/devguide/styling#style-modules so I modified the element to reflect that and modified my code to:
<link rel="import" href="../polymer/polymer.html">
<link rel="import" href="font-segment7.html">
and created a font-segment.html file:
<dom-module id="font-segment7">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="https://fontlibrary.org/face/segment7"/>
The result is the same, working in chrome, not in firefox (no error and the font-segment.html file is downloaded), so, I'm wondering if this kind of indirection is designed for that, I feel it's more for shared style and not for one shot.
The demo for the element is here https://potens1.gitlab.io/seven-segment-element/components/seven-segment-element/ and the code repository is there https://gitlab.com/potens1/seven-segment-element
Is this the way to work with webcomponents (polymer?), or should the font be embedded in the component ?
Thank you.
PS: sorry, not enough reputation to post links
I would define the correct way to include a font as the way the Polymer Project does it: font-roboto
The "element" consists of just a <style>
For you this would look like this (font-segment7.html
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fontlibrary.org/face/segment7"/>
This works for me in Firefox with your seven-segment-element
Note: The fontlibrary provides the segment7 font as .otf (OpenType) which is only partially supported in IE.