I am using this library to scan QR Codes. This library is very simple but I am having a hard time trying to figure out on making it to responds only to QR Codes.
It uses ZXing behind it.
//MARK - scannerLiveView
ZXDecoder decoder=new ZXDecoder();
ScannerLiveView scannerLiveView = (ScannerLiveView) findViewById(R.id.scannerLiveView);
Here is how I did it. But the problem is that it responds to all kind of bar codes. I would like to have it responds on QR Codes only.
Any thoughts??
The problem is that ZXDecoder is hardcoded to scan all possible formats. https://github.com/LivotovLabs/CamView/blob/53e3112592980754628bab2b770ed16900b9c407/CAMView/src/main/java/eu/livotov/labs/android/camview/scanner/decoder/zxing/ZXDecoder.java. You could create a new class QRDecoder which should look pretty much the same as ZXDecoder but instead of creating MultiFormatReader it should create QRCodeReader